Friday, 4 March 2022

🌈 Big Reward Day 2022🌈

🌈 My Big Reward Day 2022 🌈

Today 4th of March. everyone that did not get a warning got to go on a scavenger hunt. My team had to go all around the school trying to find a new clue. We got given a card and had to find 9 different clues. We got lots of different stuff like a pen, lolly / lolly pops , table spinners and an ice block.

We all got to bring thing like scooters, bikes and hover boards. I have my scooter to school and have been playing with a ramp and we also have mufti day.

This is me trying to think but my brain does not work that well because I am dumb. 

Here is my brother but he looks like me so this is totally me!  😉😉

Thursday, 18 March 2021

My Pepeha

for the past couple of week room 2 have been making our pepeha so I hope you like it


ST Patrick day

yesterday in room 2 we made a slide on st Patrick day in buddy and I pick bailey I really hope you like it.


Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Nga tae Colours


In room 4 we are working on Maori colours and made a rainbow and I leaned all about Maori colours
Do you now the colours?
By Billy

Wednesday, 14 October 2020

My what is media

In Room 4 we are all learning what media is as part of cybersmart. Media is mass communication. Examples of media include newspapers, radio, social media, and posters.

I found this easy to do most of it but I was struggling with the writing for the blog post.

What sort of media is interesting for you?

Wednesday, 26 August 2020

My Film Festival Comment

 In Room 4 me are making comments for cyber smart learning and all so for the Film Festival.We all did comments for three film festival and made it from taking note to a blog comment for the school blog.

We all made a DLO for all of the three films that we watched you can see my comment inside my slide underneath.

I tried and tried to find the thins that would make a good comment for some of the film becauseu I am new to all of this tip of writing in little boxes. I was worried that all of my writing would not fit in all of the boxes that we got for the work.